Monday, April 19, 2010

The paint swatch bandit

My latest DIY project (which is the bane of my existence and will be chronicled on here in a few weeks) consists of refinishing some dining room chairs I found on craigs list for a sweet price. While working on this project today I realized I needed to go to Home Depot to grab a few things. While there I couldn't resist stopping by the paint center to check out a few samples for yet another secret painting project I have in the works. While perusing around the paint swatches I realized I have had most of them in my possession at one time or another, however, have absolutely no clue as to what happened to them all. It was around this time that I realized that in order to be green and probably save Home Depot from bankruptcy due to my blatant abuse of their free swatch system I should probably just take them all. After a quick look over my shoulder to make sure I was in the clear I proceeded to grab every single Glidden neutral that I could find. When my stack started to protrude out of my sweatshirt pocket and look like I was trying to conceal actual merchandise I gave up... I told the blues, greens, purples, reds and yellows that I would be back for them one day soon. When I got home I took a few minutes to dig around for a spare key ring or 2 (finally! Hoarding random objects serves a purpose!), and this is what unfolded:

Oh tawny birch.. your tawny birchness is the hi-light of my day. What's that? You see my hold punch coming towards you at a rapid speed? Don't worry... this won't hurt a bit...

See? What did I tell you. Next step is to join your friends on the color wheel-o-fun...

There you go.

Ta da! Glorious! Now I can cut back on wasteful paint swatch thievery and have all of my swatches organized and within arms reach. I may even wear them around my neck and call it fashion. Heidi Klum's got nothing on me.


  1. Hey Kristin, glad to have met you! This is a very slick idea for rounding up swatches, but I must admit that before I paint any room, I always do a google search for recommendations first. I usually only go get the swatch cards that I want after researching possibilities online. But I do think you should wear this around your neck next time you go to HD!! haha

  2. Hey Sara! I usually research my options online too, but when I actually go and get the paint swatches I am constantly losing them all over my house! It's just easier to have them all available in front of me... it makes it so much easier to weed out the ones I don't really love. I also like that there are recommendations for complementary colors right on the back of the swatches, which can be super helpful when trying to figure out which colors will work in my existing rooms.
