Sunday, August 8, 2010

Who has 2 thumbs and stinks at blogging? This girl.

So right after my last post we had a new addition to the family...
Please welcome Trixie!

There she is the day we brought her home. We adopted her from North Shore Animal League in Long Island, NY, which according to their website is the largest no-kill animal adoption and rescue organization in the world. We made the 2 hour drive for their annual adoptathon on May 1st. Even Cesar Milan made a visit!

Overall 620 homeless animals were adopted. We feel lucky to have found our sock stealing, barf in the car, toe licking monster. Here she is today (plus about 25 lbs)...

She is quite the ferocious beast. We have no idea what she is, but she entertains us daily. I can barely remember life without her!

Other things that have happened the past 3 months:
- we went to Chicago (TWICE) for our BFF's wedding festivities
- I finished painting and reupholstering EIGHT dining room chairs
- we updated our patio
- I FINALLY finished Mr. ugly cabinet with random curly thing on top.
- total re-do of our master bedroom closet (after buying a DIY closet kit for a 10 foot long closet.... and our closet is only 6 feet long....)

Whats planned for the next few months:
- repaint the great room a lighter color so I don't feel like we are living in a cave.
- make some new curtains with my new sewing machine!
- figure out how to work the new sewing machine
- try not to sew my shirt to my arm while using the sewing machine
- make some new pillowcases for our 'come with the couch' throw pillows
- paint the kitchen cabinets
- paint the kitchen
- install hardwood floors
- revamp the laundry closet

I could go on forever, but for now i'll leave it at that. My new goal is 1-2 new blogs per week for the next few weeks to get caught up. Then we can see where to go from there!